
How to gpgsign git commit using lazygit?

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GPG sign git commit using lazygit.


One of best practices in my opinion when using git is enabling GPG signing for your commit.

And one of my favorite tools to commit my code in terminal environment is Lazygit. However, by default, it doesn’t work if GPG signing is enabled.


After trying multiple solutions, I found a simple solution to resolve this issue.

You can add this config to your ssh config file (default path is ~/.ssh/config):

ForwardAgent yes
ForwardAgent yes

Note: You have to add config to the SSH key which will be used for signing the git commits.

After that, the config should look like below:

Host github
  HostName github.com
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  ForwardAgent yes
Host github
  HostName github.com
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  ForwardAgent yes

Hope this helps you out!